
(none) Matched route

Route Matching Logs

Path to match: /_fragment
# Route name Path Log
1 _wdt /_wdt/{token} Path does not match
2 _profiler_home /_profiler/ Path does not match
3 _profiler_search /_profiler/search Path does not match
4 _profiler_search_bar /_profiler/search_bar Path does not match
5 _profiler_purge /_profiler/purge Path does not match
6 _profiler_info /_profiler/info/{about} Path does not match
7 _profiler_phpinfo /_profiler/phpinfo Path does not match
8 _profiler_search_results /_profiler/{token}/search/results Path does not match
9 _profiler /_profiler/{token} Path does not match
10 _profiler_router /_profiler/{token}/router Path does not match
11 _profiler_exception /_profiler/{token}/exception Path does not match
12 _profiler_exception_css /_profiler/{token}/exception.css Path does not match
13 _twig_error_test /_error/{code}.{_format} Path does not match
14 api_service_test /api/service Path does not match
15 api_get_collections /api/getCollections Path does not match
16 api_get_families /api/getFamilies Path does not match
17 api_get_subfamilies /api/getSubfamilies Path does not match
18 api_get_designers /api/getDesigners Path does not match
19 api_get_finishes /api/finishes Path does not match
20 api_get_model_full /api/getModelFull Path does not match
21 api_get_model_basic /api/getModelBasic Path does not match
22 api_get_model_references /api/getModelReferences Path does not match
23 api_get_model_slider_images /api/getModelSliderImages Path does not match
24 api_get_preconfigs /api/getPreconfigs Path does not match
25 api_project_test /api/project/test Path does not match
26 api_get_project /api/getProject Path does not match
27 api_get_projects /api/getProjects Path does not match
28 api_project_save /api/project/save Path does not match
29 api_project_validate /api/project/validate Path does not match
30 api_project_information /api/project/information Path does not match
31 api_composition_price /api/composition/price Path does not match
32 api_sticks_technical_data_creation /api/sticks/technicalDataCreation Path does not match
33 api_sticks_tempcolor /api/sticks/tempColor Path does not match
34 api_sticks_dimming /api/sticks/dimming Path does not match
35 api_sticks_installation /api/sticks/installation Path does not match
36 api_sticks_electrical_accessory /api/sticks/electrical-accessory Path does not match
37 api_sticks_hanging_length /api/sticks/hanging-length Path does not match
38 api_sticks_hanging_heights /api/sticks/hanging-heights Path does not match
39 api_sticks_connect /api/sticks/connect Path does not match
40 api_stand_alone /api/models/stand-alone Path does not match
41 api_user_token_validate /api/user/token-validate Path does not match
42 api_user_role /api/user/roles Path does not match
43 api_images_applications /api/image/application Path does not match
44 api_images_families /api/image/family Path does not match
45 api_images_models /api/image/model Path does not match
46 api_images_project /api/image/project Path does not match
47 api_project_manual /api/project/manual Path does not match
48 externaldb_homepage /es/int/external/homepage Path does not match
49 index_article /{_locale}/{_catalog}/{_application}-{_subfamily}-{_location} Path does not match
50 product_page /{_locale}/{_catalog}/lighting-toolkit-{_subfamily} Path does not match
51 product_page_preconfig_form /{_locale}/{_catalog}/preconfigs/{_family} Path does not match
52 product_page_preconfig_content /tools/render_product_preconfig_content Path does not match
53 product_page_technical_information /{_locale}/{_catalog}/technical-information/{_family}/{_model} Path does not match
54 product_page_load_ti_model_content /{_locale}/{_catalog}/technical-information-model/{_model} Path does not match
55 product_page_ti_model_content /{_locale}/{_catalog}/technical-information-model/{_model} Path does not match
56 product_page_pluspreconfig /{_locale}/{_catalog}/technical-information-model/{_model} Path does not match
57 product_page_load_ti_luminaire_content /{_locale}/{_catalog}/technical-information-luminaire/{_luminaire} Path does not match
58 product_page_ti_luminaire_content /{_locale}/{_catalog}/technical-information-luminaire/{_luminaire} Path does not match
59 product_page_download_model /{_locale}/{_catalog}/download-model/{_model} Path does not match
60 product_page_generic_download_model /{_locale}/{_catalog}/generic_download-model/{_model} Path does not match
61 product_page_download /{_locale}/{_catalog}/download/{_prms} Path does not match
62 colecciones_index /{_locale}/{_catalog}/{_collection}-{_subfamily} Path does not match
63 colecciones_all /{_locale}/{_catalog}/{_collection} Path does not match
64 aplicaciones_index /{_locale}/{_catalog}/{_aplicacion} Path does not match
65 index_loadfiles /{_locale}/{_catalog}/loadfiles Path does not match
66 page_family_videos /installation/{_family}/videos/{_typeVideo} Path does not match
67 page_family_videos_accessories /installation/{_family}/videos/{_accessories}/{_typeVideo} Path does not match
68 index_contacto /{_locale}/{_catalog}/{_contact} Path does not match
69 resultado_contacto /{_locale}/{_catalog}/{_contact}-res Path does not match
70 redirect_contacto /{_locale}/{_catalog}/{_contact}-res Path does not match
71 contact_us_process /ajax/contact/contact-us-process Path does not match
72 where_to_buy_process /ajax/wheretobuy/where_to_buy_process Path does not match
73 test_template /{_locale}/{_catalog}/testTemplate Path does not match
74 servicepage_index /{_locale}/{_catalog}/{_servicepage} Path does not match
75 descargas_index /{_locale}/{_catalog}/{_download} Path does not match
76 descargas_get_download_url /ajax/descargas-obtener-url Path does not match
77 download_files /ajax/descargas-obtener-files Path does not match
78 download_logger /ajax/descargas-logger Path does not match
79 dondecomprar_index /{_locale}/{_catalog}/{_wheretobuy} Path does not match
80 dondecomprar_get_distributors /ajax/obtener-distribuidores Path does not match
81 dondecomprar_solicitar_consulta /ajax/enviar-sonlicitud-consulta Path does not match
82 dondecomprar_form_provincias /ajax/provincias-dondecomprar Path does not match
83 dondecomprar_form_poblaciones /ajax/poblaciones-dondecomprar Path does not match
84 dondecomprar_aliminar_articulo /ajax/donde-comprar-eliminar-articulo Path does not match
85 dondecomprar_form_solicitar_consulta /ajax/donde-comprar-solicitar-consulta Path does not match
86 index_personalizar /{locale}/{catalog}/personalizar Path does not match
87 page_configurables /{_locale}/{_catalog}/{_configurable} Path does not match
88 page_personalizados /{_locale}/{_catalog}/{_customize} Path does not match
89 buscador_index /{_locale}/{_catalog}/{_search}/ Path does not match
90 auth_process /ajax/user/auth_process Path does not match
91 auth_clean /ajax/user/auth_clean Path does not match
92 auth_reload /ajax/user/auth_reload Path does not match
93 auth_info /ajax/user/auth_info Path does not match
94 auth_logcrm /ajax/user/auth_logcrm Path does not match
95 user_register /{_locale}/{_catalog}/{_register} Path does not match
96 user_register_steps /{_locale}/{_catalog}/{_register}-steps Path does not match
97 user_login_response /ajax/user/login_response Path does not match
98 user_register_response /ajax/user/register_response Path does not match
99 user_check_is_logged /ajax/user/check_user_is_login Path does not match
100 user_logout /logout Path does not match
101 user_password_lost /{_locale}/{_catalog}/password-lost Path does not match
102 user_password_reset /{_locale}/{_catalog}/password-reset Path does not match
103 user_profile /{_locale}/{_catalog}/{_profile} Path does not match
104 user_render_template_form_profile /ajax/template/render/form_user_profile/ Path does not match
105 user_profile_process /ajax/user/profile_process/ Path does not match
106 user_login_by_id /ajax/user/login_by_id/ Path does not match
107 load_select_options /ajax/select-options Path does not match
108 redirect_proyect_crea /ajax/project_crea Path does not match
109 front_validation_page /{_locale}/{_catalog}/validation/token/{_token} Path does not match
110 front_landing /{_locale}/{_catalog}/landing Path does not match
111 front_redirect_article /{_locale}/{_catalog}/article/{_cod4} Path does not match
112 static_pages /{_locale}/{_catalog}/{_page} Path does not match
113 front_register_now /{_locale}/{_catalog}/{_register_now} Path does not match
114 index_designer /{_locale}/{_catalog}/{_designer} Path does not match
115 front_default /{_locale}/{_catalog} Path does not match
116 front_index /{_locale}/{_catalog}/ Path does not match
117 front_template_languages /template/languages/{locale}/{catalog}/{param} Path does not match
118 front_template_languageSelect /template/languageSelect/{locale}/{catalog} Path does not match
119 front_init_modal_web_select /ajax/init_modal_web_select Path does not match
120 front_init_modal_catalog_change /ajax/init_modal_catalog_change Path does not match
121 front_init_modal_catalog_change_warning /ajax/init_modal_catalog_change_warning Path does not match
122 front_init_modal_website_change /ajax/init_modal_website_change Path does not match
123 front_init_modal_web_select_response /ajax/init_modal_web_select_response Path does not match
124 front_url_ajax /ajax/front_url_ajax Path does not match
125 page_render_services /tools/tpl_render_services Path does not match
126 article_template /ajax/article_template Path does not match
127 article_template-algorithm /ajax/article_template-algorithm Path does not match
128 article_template_type /tools/render_article_tpl_type Path does not match
129 article_template_article_group /tools/render_article_tpl_article_group Path does not match
130 article_template_popup_config /tools/render_article_tpl_popup_config Path does not match
131 render_template_create_account /ajax/template/render/create_account/ Path does not match
132 render_template_user_update /ajax/template/render/user_update/ Path does not match
133 render_template_sign_up_email /ajax/template/render/sign_up_email/ Path does not match
134 render_template_sign_result /ajax/template/render/sign_result/ Path does not match
135 render_template_login /ajax/template/render/login/ Path does not match
136 render_template_load_logo /ajax/template/render/user/logo Path does not match
137 render_template_validation_result /ajax/template/render/validation_result/ Path does not match
138 render_template_cotact_us /ajax/template/render/contact_us/ Path does not match
139 index_workspace /workspace/{_locale}/crea/ Path does not match
140 index_workspace_default /workspace/{_locale}/ Path does not match
141 wordpress_inspiration /{_locale}/{_page} Path does not match
142 wordpress_blog /{_locale}/blog Path does not match
143 wordpress_legal_advice /{_locale}/{_page} Path does not match
144 wordpress_about_us /{_locale}/{_page} Path does not match
145 wordpress_privacy_policy /{_locale}/{_page} Path does not match
146 homepage / Path does not match
147 user_change_communications /tools/user/change_communications Path does not match
148 index_article_dynamic /{_locale}/{_catalog}/{_collection}/{_articleparams} Path does not match
149 tools_homepage /tools Path does not match
150 export_translate /tools/exporttranslate Path does not match
151 webactivity_log /tools/webactivitylog Path does not match
152 webactivity_unique_visit_log /tools/uniquevisitlog Path does not match
153 redirect_tool /tools/redirect/{lang}/{cod4} Path does not match
154 redirect_designer_tool /tools/redirectdesigner/{lang}/{id} Path does not match
155 partial_render /partials/get/{_action}/{_lang}/{_catalog} Path does not match
156 sitemap_generator /tools/sitemapgenerator Path does not match
157 redirect_not_in_catalogue /{lang}/{catalogue}/error/404/notincatalogue Path does not match
158 redirect_not_in_region /{lang}/{catalogue}/error/404/notinregion Path does not match
159 redirect_gone /{lang}/{catalogue}/error/410/gone Path does not match
160 social_login_facebook_login_link /ajax/facebook/fblink/{locale}/{catalog}/{sign} Path does not match
161 social_login_facebook_login /ajax/facebook/login Path does not match
162 social_login_facebook_login_callback /ajax/facebook/login_callback Path does not match
163 social_login_facebook_login_process /ajax/facebook/get_user_data Path does not match
164 social_login_facebook_logout /ajax/facebook/logout Path does not match
165 social_linkedin_login_link /ajax/linkedin/lnlink/{locale}/{catalog}/{sign} Path does not match
166 social_linkedin_login /ajax/linkedin/login Path does not match
167 social_linkedin_login_callback /ajax/linkedin/login_callback/ Path does not match
168 generate_url_article /tools/get_url/article Path does not match
169 generate_url_subfamily /tools/get_url/subfamily Path does not match
170 get_crm_information /tools/get_crm_data/{_session} Path does not match
171 get_active_campaign /tools/active_campaign Path does not match
172 collections_export /tools/collections/ Path does not match
173 collections_csv_export /tools/collections/{locale}/{catalog}/{type} Path does not match
174 download_project /tools/file/project/{_id}/type/{_type} Path does not match
175 download_project_crea /tools/file/project/{_id}/crea/{_crea}/type/{_type} Path does not match
176 catalogdb_homepage / Path does not match
177 index_family /bundle/catalogdb/families/1 Path does not match
178 bazinga_jstranslation_js /translations/{domain}.{_format} Path does not match
179 fos_js_routing_js /js/routing.{_format} Path does not match
180 scancards_homepage /scancards/ Path does not match
181 scancards_upload_image /scancards/uploadImage Path does not match
182 scancards_upload_mail /scancards/uploadMail Path does not match
183 scancards_update_language /scancards/update/{ids}/language Path does not match
184 scancards_accept_policy /scancards/update/{ids}/policy Path does not match
185 scancards_accept_communications /scancards/update/{ids}/communications Path does not match
186 scancards_update_mail /scancards/update/{id}/mail Path does not match
187 scancards_show_id /scancards/{id} Path does not match

Note: These matching logs are based on the current router configuration, which might differ from the configuration used when profiling this request.